The Renderer interface looks like this:

class Renderer
        static RendererData& data() noexcept;
        static void saveSettings() noexcept;

        static const FString& getVendorString() noexcept;
        static const FString& getAPIVersion() noexcept;
        static const FString& getGPUName() noexcept;
        static const FString& getDriverVersion() noexcept;


The get* functions will not produce expected results when targeting WASM

The first function returns a reference to the RendererData struct that looks like this:

struct RendererData
    bool bVulkan = false;               // Enables the vulkan submodule
    bool bUsingVSync = true;            // Enables V-Sync, defaults to true
    uint32_t msaaSamples = 8;           // The number of samples for MSAA, supersampling

You can see descriptions in the code comments above. It is defined as part of the C API under C/Internal/RendererData.h.

The saveSettings function saves the settings in this struct to the Renderer config file under Config/Core/Renderer.yaml.

All functions after that, return information fetched from the Graphics API about your GPU, like the driver version or API version.


When targeting WASM, the bVulkan boolean is used for enabling/disabling the WebGPU renderer.


The settings for the renderer are stored at Config/Core/Renderer.yaml, which looks like this:

vulkan: false                
v-sync: false                
msaa-samples: 8

And corresponds directly to the RendererData struct documented above.

Event safety

The following members of the Renderer interface are marked as Any time:

  1. data()
  2. saveSettings()

The rest are marked as Begin.


The C API is the same as the C++ one, but using standard C API semantics such as prefixing each function with UImGui_Renderer_, as defined here. The API looks like this:

// Event Safety - Any time
UImGui_RendererData* UImGui_Renderer_data();
// Event Safety - Any time
void UImGui_Renderer_saveSettings();

// Event Safety - begin, post-begin
UImGui_String UImGui_Renderer_getVendorString();
// Event Safety - begin, post-begin
UImGui_String UImGui_Renderer_getAPIVersion();
// Event Safety - begin, post-begin
UImGui_String UImGui_Renderer_getGPUName();
// Event Safety - begin, post-begin
UImGui_String UImGui_Renderer_getDriverVersion();