In this page, we will list and explain what each of these core files does.


The Components directory has the following files:

  1. InlineComponent - Defines the abstract class for inline components. Documentation
  2. WindowComponent - Defines the abstract class for window components. Documentation
  3. TitlebarComponent - Defines the abstract class for title bar components. Documentation
  4. Instance - Defines the base Instance class. Documentation


The Events directory contains the following files:

  1. Input - Defines the Input interface. Documentation
  2. Keys - Defines key code constants for every key on a standard QWERTY keyboard.


The Interfaces directory contains the following files:

  1. RendererInterface - Defines the Renderer interface. Documentation
  2. WindowInterface - Defines the Window. Documentation


The Core directory contains the following files:

  1. Core.hpp - A bunch of header files that are widely used internally
  2. Defines.hpp - Defines and constants that are used internally. Documentation
  3. Global - Defines the global internal variable. Documentation
  4. Types.hpp - Contains many type definitions and aliases. Documentation
  5. Utilities - The Utilities interface is defined here. Documentation
  6. CDeallocation.hpp - A header containing a struct that stores intermediate data for the C API. Documentation


The Modules folder contains the modules + Modules.hpp which includes all modules. Documentation


The Manager folder contains the Modules interface and the ModulesManager internal classes. Documentation, Internal Documentation


The Renderer folder contains the rendering code. The Renderer files define the internal renderer and the RendererData struct. Documentation


This class defines internal code that sets up dear imgui. Documentation


The Utils folder contains the following files:

  1. Texture - The texture class used to load images. Documentation
  2. Window - The internal Window class. Documentation


Includes header files that are going to be used by all files generated under the Source directory.


Includes all header files part of the C API. Included by Framework.hpp.