The OS module provides many utility headers and functions for working with the underlying operating system. The module also includes a wide variety of submodules:

To enable the module, modify your CMakeLists.txt file so that the following line:

option(USE_OS_MODULE "Use the operating system module" OFF)

looks like this:

option(USE_OS_MODULE "Use the operating system module" ON)

or enable it through the CMake CLI, like this:


Finally, enable it in your uvproj.yaml file like this

name: "MyProject"
version: ""
engine-version: ""
  os: true

The module needs to stay enabled for any submodules to be enabled!

Using the module

Coming soon!

Checking for the module

To check for the module at compile time, use the UIMGUI_OS_MODULE_ENABLED macro.

Runtime checking can be done using the os member of the ModuleSettings struct. More info can be found here.