This is a list of all applications, we know of, that use the framework:
Type | Name | Developer | Links |
Game Manager | UntitledGameSystemManager | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Utility | UntitledDESessionLogout | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Utility | UntitledDEPolkitAgent * | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
IBus IM | UntitledIBusHandwriting | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Website | UImGuiDemo | MadLadSquad | Web, GitHub |
Debugging | LuaDebugger | ElCapor | GitHub |
* Not yet released
Third Party software we use in the framework
Type | Name | Developer | Links |
Font rendering | Freetype | Freetype Project | Website |
OpenGL Loader | GLAD | Dav1dde | GitHub |
Windowing Library | GLFW | GLFW Project | GitHub |
GUI Library | Dear imgui | ocornut | GitHub |
Logging Library | UntitledLog | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
SO Loader | URLL | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Image Loader | stb_image | nothings | GitHub |
YAML Parser | yaml-cpp | jbeder | GitHub |
Build System | CMake | Kitware | Website |
Build System | GNU Make | GNU | Website |
Source Control | Git | Git | Website |
Utility | vswhere | Microsoft | GitHub |
Network Library | curl | curl Project | Website |
IDE/Compiler | VS/MSVC | Microsoft | Website |
Unix Shell | Bash | GNU | Website |
Toolchain | Emscripten | Emscripten | Website |
Widget | cimgui_extra | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Single dependency modules:
Module | Type | Name | Developer | Links |
CLI | CLI Parser | UCLI Parser | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Knobs | Widget | imgui-knobs | altschuler | GitHub |
I18N | I18N | UI18N | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Plot | Widget | implot | epezent | GitHub |
Spin | Widget | imspinner | dalerank | GitHub |
Text | Widgets | UTextUtils | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Toggle | Widget | imgui_toggle | cmdwtf | GitHub |
OS Module:
Module | Type | Name | Developer | Links |
Font | Utility | UFontUtils | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
DBus | Utility | UDBusUtils | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
DBus | DBus | DBus | freedesktop | GitLab |
Exec | Utility | UExec | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
XDG | Utility | UXDG_BASEDIR | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Open | Opener | UntitledOpen | MadLadSquad | GitHub |
Development libraries:
Type | Name | Developer | Links |
Graphics API | Dawn | GitHub |
* Not yet released
- Home
- Beginner content
- Install guide
- Creating and using the UI components
- The Instance
- The Init Info struct
- Textures
- Logging
- Unicode support
- Additional features
- Client-side bar
- Custom type definitions
- Memory management
- C API development
- Config files and Folders
- Interfaces
- Internal Event safety
- Customising the build system
- Modules system
- Collaborating with others
- Advanced content
- Developer and contributor resources
- Misc