
The Window.yaml file is located under Config/Settings/ and contains settings about the current window

image: Engine/icon.png
width: 800
height: 600
fullscreen: false
window-name: Untitled Vulkan Game Engine Editor

If the field fullscreen is set to true, the width and height fields have to match


The renderer config file is stored under the Config/Setting/Renderer.yaml file. Here is an example:

vulkan: false
theme: theme
v-sync: false
v-sync-immediate: true
msaa-samples: 32
sample-rate-shading: true
sample-rate-shading-mult: 0.5
  1. The theme field determines the theme file location counted from Config/Settings/
  2. The v-sync field enables/disables v-sync
  3. The v-sync-immediate field changes the Vulkan presentation mode to FIFO Relaxed
  4. The msaa-samples field sets the MSAA samples, values can be between 0 and 64, any value above 64 is clamped to 64. When this is enabled the engine automatically checks if the hardware supports it and if it doesn't, it sets it to the highest point below the unsupported range
  5. The sample-rate-shading field is a boolean that enables sample rate shading, which applies MSAA to shaders
  6. The sample-rate-shading-mult field controls the sample rate shading multiplies which is set between 0 and 1, values are clamped accordingly. The close the multiplies to 1 the better quality the picture but with worse performance.


The editor config file is stored under Config/Settings/Editor.yaml, here is an example file:

max-saved-transactions: 1000
editor-layout-location: mylayout
filesystem-file-padding: 20.0
filesystem-file-thumbnail-size: 50.0
filesystem-using-previews: false
filesystem-max-preview-files: 64
  1. The max-saved-transactions field sets the maximum number of actions saved before the undo/redo buffer starts removing old ones
  2. The editor-layout-location field is a string with a path to a layout file, the extension for layout files is always .ini so no need to specify it. Using this you can change your layout by just changing the string, the default, and fallback layouts can be found under the Config/Engine/ directory
  3. The filesystem-file-padding field sets the padding between individual images in the filesystem widget
  4. The filesystem-file-thumbnail-size field sets the thumbnail image size for the images in the filesystem widget
  5. The filesystem-using-previews field is a bool that is used to check if previews of the stored files should be rendered
  6. The filesystem-max-preview-files field is the max number of files inside a folder that can have their previews rendered


For themes, look here

Project file

For the project file(uvproj.yaml) look here


For localization, look here

Layout files

Dear ImGui uses an editor layout file to store data for placement of Windows, there are 2 layouts, the DefaultLayout.ini and the FallbackLayout.ini stored under the Config/Engine/ directory. Using the editor-layout-location field in the Editor.yaml file, you can change the location of the layout file.