Compiling the library

To compile the library, make sure that imgui.h is set correctly in your include path, so that it can be included like this:

#include <imgui.h>

Then, you can statically compile UTheme.cpp, Common.h and UTheme.hpp into your project.

Additionally, we also provide a C API under the C folder. To use it, statically compile C/CUTheme.cpp and C/CUTheme.h.

The library uses the yaml-cpp library to read YAML. If you don't use it already, you can easily use the git submodule under the yaml-cpp folder.

After all that setup is finished, include the UTheme.hpp header into one of your files and start using the library.

Exporting symbols out of a DLL

To export symbols out of a DLL, define the MLS_EXPORT_LIBRARY macro and when compiling the library that you want to export the symbols out of, define the MLS_LIB_COMPILE macro.


The UTheme.hpp header defines the Theme class. It has 3 member functions:

  1. load - Given a string that points to a file location, loads the file. Returns 0 on success and -1 when the file cannot be read
  2. save - Given a string that points to a file location, saves the current style to the specified file.
  3. showThemeEditor - Renders a window that you can use to modify the current style. Takes a bOpen argument for the close button on the window
  4. showThemeEditorInline - Renders the contents of the function above, without the window

The load and save functions also take an optional pointer of type SemanticColourData. When pointing to a valid instance, the struct will be filled with semantic colour data. The struct looks like this:

struct SemanticColourData
    ThemeVec4 DestructiveColor;
    ThemeVec4 DestructiveColorActive;
    ThemeVec4 SuccessColor;
    ThemeVec4 SuccessColorActive;
    ThemeVec4 WarningColor;
    ThemeVec4 WarningColorActive;


The C API is the same as the C++ API, except that default arguments have to be filled in manually and that all functions and types are prefixed by their namespace and class separated by _. For example, UImGui::Theme::load becomes UImGui_Theme_load.