The library also provides a small timer utility that can be used to record how long a piece of code takes to execute.


In the C++ API, the Timer class is used. It looks like this:

class MLS_PUBLIC_API Timer
    void start() noexcept;
    void stop() noexcept;

    [[nodiscard]] double get() const noexcept;

As you can see the functions are self-explanatory.


To reuse timers, you can just call start after calling stop. This will reset the timer, as stop does not reset the timer and only records the time since the start of the recording


To periodically check on the same timer, call stop, then get. The stop function just captures the time since the start of the recording and does not reset the timer.


The C API is almost identical, as it is just a light wrapper. It looks like this:

struct ULog_Timer{...};

void ULog_Timer_start(ULog_Timer* timer);
void ULog_Timer_stop(ULog_Timer* timer);
double ULog_Timer_get(ULog_Timer* timer);

As you can see the functions are the same, the only difference is in the naming and the fact that you have to create an instance of the ULog_Timer struct, which you have to pass to the functions.