The following functions can be used as an easy one-liner to render text with a different font.


There are 2 bold functions: Bold and BoldWrapped. Both take a format string and a variadic arguments list, just like ImGui::Text. Both will render bold text, but BoldWrapped will also apply word wrapping.


There are 2 italic functions: Italic and ItalicWrapped. Both take a format string and a variadic arguments list, just like ImGui::Text. Both will render italic text, but ItalicWrapped will also apply word wrapping.

Bold Italic

There are 2 bold italic functions: BoldItalic and BoldItalicWrapped, both take a format string and a variadic arguments list, just like ImGui::Text. Both will render bold italic text, but BoldItalicWrapped will also apply word wrapping.


There are 2 monospace functions: Monospace and MonospaceWrapped, both take a format string and a variadic arguments list, just like ImGui::Text. Both will render text with the monospace font, but MonospaceWrapped will also apply word wrapping.

The monospace font will also be used by functions such as CodeInline, CodeInlineWrapped and CodeBlock. These functions are explained in further wiki entries.


There are 2 functions for rendering small text: Small and SmallWrapped, both take a format string and a variadic arguments list, just like ImGui::Text. Both will render small text, but SmallWrapped will also apply word wrapping.

The small font is also used by functions such as Ruby and SubSuperscript. These functions are explained in further wiki entries.

va_list variants

All of the above functions that take a variadic list of arguments also have va_list alternatives which have the V postfix. For example, the variadic version of Bold is BoldV.


All wrapped variants of the functions above, rendering the same string in chronological order: