The UFZ::Application contains an instance of the UFZ::Filesystem class, which is used to make interacting with the Flipper Zero filesystem easier.

Getting a reference to the filesystem

You can get a reference to UFZ::Filesystem by calling UFZ::Application::getFilesystem. The Filesystem class looks like this:

class Filesystem
    FS_Error timestamp(const char* path, uint32_t* timestamp) const noexcept;
    FS_Error stat(const char* path, FileInfo* fileInfo) const noexcept;
    bool exists(const char* path) const noexcept;
    FS_Error remove(const char* path) const noexcept;

    FS_Error rename(const char* oldPath, const char* newPath) const noexcept;

    FS_Error copy(const char* oldPath, const char* newPath) const noexcept;
    FS_Error merge(const char* oldPath, const char* newPath) const noexcept;
    FS_Error migrate(const char* source, const char* destination) const noexcept;

    FS_Error mkdir(const char* path) const noexcept;
    FS_Error filesystemInfo(const char* path, uint64_t* totalSpace, uint64_t* freeSpace) const noexcept;

    void resolvePathAndEnsureAppDirectory(FuriString* path) const noexcept;

    bool areEquivalent(const char* path1, const char* path2, bool bTruncate) const noexcept;

    [[nodiscard]] static const char* getErrorDescription(FS_Error error) noexcept;

    FS_Error SDCardInfo(SDInfo* info) const noexcept;
    [[nodiscard]] FS_Error SDCardStatus() const noexcept;

    bool removeSimple(const char* path) const noexcept;
    bool removeRecursiveSimple(const char* path) const noexcept;
    bool mkdirSimple(const char* path) const noexcept;
    void getNextFilename(const char* dirname, const char* filename, const char* fileExtension, FuriString* nextFilename, uint8_t maxLength) const noexcept;

The different methods correspond to the storage_* C functions that can be found here.


The UFZ::File class allows you to interact with files, including reading and writing to them. It looks like this:

class File
    File(const UFZ::Filesystem& store, const char* path, FS_AccessMode accessMode, FS_OpenMode openMode) noexcept;
    bool open(const UFZ::Filesystem& store, const char* path, FS_AccessMode accessMode, FS_OpenMode openMode) noexcept;
    bool isOpen() noexcept;
    bool isDirectory() noexcept;

    size_t read(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) noexcept;
    template<typename T>
    size_t read(std::vector<T>& buffer, size_t chunkSize = 128) noexcept;

    size_t write(void* buffer, size_t bytesToWrite) noexcept;
    template<typename T>
    size_t write(const std::vector<T>& buffer) noexcept

    bool seek(uint32_t offset, bool bFromStart) noexcept;
    uint64_t tell() noexcept;
    bool truncate() noexcept;
    uint64_t size() noexcept;

    bool sync() noexcept;
    bool eof() noexcept;

    static bool copyToFile(File& source, File& destination, size_t size) noexcept;
    void close() noexcept;
    ~File() noexcept;

The functions are self-explanatory in what they do. For further documentation, refer to storage_file_* C functions on the flipper docs.


When reading, make sure you're managing your memory correctly, as running out of memory is not an uncommon occurrance on large files.


Similar to UFZ::File, the UFZ::Directory class allows you to interact with directories. It looks like this:

class Directory
    bool open(File& f, const char* path) noexcept;
    bool close() noexcept;

    bool read(FileInfo* info, char* name, uint16_t nameLength) noexcept;
    bool rewind() noexcept;

Reading on a directory allows you to iterate its contents.