To install the library, simply compile all source files statically into your project.

Alternatively, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided, which will compile it as a library.


On Unix based systems, you need to link to the util library if you get linker errors for missing system libraries. As of the time of writing, this is not required on Linux.


There are a couple of compile time configuration options you can toggle.


By default, we use C++' std::string internally, but if you want to use a custom string type, you can define the UEXEC_CUSTOM_STRING macro to be equal to your custom string's type.

Next, you want to define the UEXEC_CUSTOM_STRING_INCLUDE which should contain the name of your header file.

Finally, compile the library with the new string.

Exporting functions out of DLL boundaries

If you want to export the symbols of the library out of a DLL, simply define the UVK_LOG_EXPORT_FROM_LIBRARY macro. Then when building the library, make sure the macro UVK_LIB_COMPILE is enabled.

Users of CMake will have this enabled by default.