Welcome to the July 2024 monthly newsletter.



The release of the UntitledImGuiFramework added major improvements to the UVKBuildTool and full initial support for WASM.

Amongst the major improvements of the build system is that CMakeLists.txt breakages no longer happen, due to us moving 95% of all CMake code to separate files in the Framework folder. Additionally, we added a new per-project CMake configuration file that includes patches for the specific applications, without the need to edit the root CMakeLists.txt file directly.

The code was also refactored so that there's no need to do heavy templating for generating the CMake scripts.


The release of the UntitledImGuiFramework added many major improvements to the UVKBuildTool that fix almost all annoying parts of working with the framework.

From version, module settings can just be defined in the uvproj.yaml file and a corresponding CMake configuration file can be generated automatically.

It also adds full 1.0 support for WASM and adds a WebGPU renderer.


The release of the UntitledImGuiFramework fully completes the dbus submodule of the OS submodule. It adds the 1.0 release of the UntitledDBusUtils library.

UntitledImGuiFramework interactive web demo

With the release of the release of the UntitledImGuiFramework, we can now target WASM. We took advantage of that and we made a demo site for the framework, you can check it out on https://uimgui.madladsquad.com, or as an embed below:

UntitledDBusUtils 1.0

The 1.0 release of the UntitledDBusUtils library adds a type-safe and generally memory-safe interfaces for parsing message replies and method dbus method calls.

It features a manual API that's similar to the underlying dbus-1 low level C API and an automatic API that uses a predefined schema.

The exciting thing about this system is that it holds references to variables of certain types. The schema is then validated and if valid, all references are filled with all data provided by the dbus bus. However, since the schema uses the types of the variables that are provided to it, it's automatically type-safe and in the wide majority of cases, memory-safe, by default.

Starting work on UntitledFontUtils

Work on UntitledFontUtils has officially started, with official macOS and freedesktop support by the end of the month.