Welcome to the October 2023 edition of the monthly newsletter.


MadLadSquad backend work

We're continuing to develop the MadLadSquad backend, which is going to be used by Youyin and other websites.

Youyin 0.2.2 & 0.3

In October, we will also release the 0.2.2 and 0.3 releases of Youyin.

The 0.2.2 release fixes many UI/UX bugs and issues. Because most of our websites borrow styles from Youyin this will also impact them.

Meanwhile, the 0.3 release will add support for phrases. It is expected to land by the end of the month.

UVKBuildTool 2.0

The new version of the UVKBuildTool now adds support for localising web applications using the UntitledI18N library and translation format.

UntitledI18N 1.2

Fixes multiple high-severity bugs in UntitledI18N.

Youyin 0.4

Uses the new UVKBuildTool 2.0 to provide translations in Bulgarian. The site will soon be translated into other languages.


Contrary to popular belief, MadLadSquad is simply an organisation for volunteer projects. Because of this, our projects may not always be related to software.

Announcing Modus Mio BG

Fans of German hip-hop may be familiar with the popular Modus Mio playlist. It's a playlist maintained by Spotify.de. Every Friday, new Deutschrap releases get added to it. They also utilise social media marketing through their Instagram page, to get more people to listen to the playlist, therefore earning Spotify more users.

While we're not related to Spotify, we saw the effects Modus Mio had on the German hip-hop industry, and we decided to create our own page for Bulgarian hip-hop. We also decided to add electronic music into the mix.

You can check out the playlist on Spotify and our Instagram page.

You can also check out our up-to-date Bulgarian rappers list here.

Also, we want to thank insekhta, for designing the playlist logo and other images: